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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Monday, 02 November 2009
Im going to get a stick. Perhaps one from Verth forest, a really big, nasty, dangerous type stick. With evil parts that stick out all along the length. When I have said stick, I am going to find a very vivid and delightful shade of pink paint, one that is completely impossible to remove from any surface at all, and I am going to paint the end. Every morning I am going to repaint the end of the evil stick and then I am going to proceed to prod everyone I know. Not gently mind, oh no. I am going to bombard their ribs with pointy stick hell until they are bruised, resemble a warped and previously undiscovered ladybird and are less....miserable.

Its not a great plan. No real cunning involved, I grant, but if it all goes wrong, at least the world won't end. I'm not really up for world domination, it sounds like hard work, I would just like a little less...misery. I mean, if I have to live life with impending doom sat comfortably at the end of my bed, with a vicious gleam in its' eye and a small book of nightmares to recite to me, I'd really really like to be able to have a little laughter in between.

You can take something seriously serious, without something serious, seriously taking your humour. Just because you are smiling doesn't mean you are unaware that there is an issue.

A wise man once said 'laughter is...' Well I cant remember, but the moral of the story is:- painty stick abuse comes to those who wallow. Remember that kids, it's the ninth law of physics.
Celestia posted @ 15:28 - Link - comments (2)
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